
Hamfest @LX0RL


Hytera DMR repeater at LX0RL

One of the 2 Hytera FM/DMR repeaters bought by the RL for replacing LX0HI and LX0LU.


Motorola crossband repeater at LX0RL

The FM repeater built in the shack of the RL. It was later used for LX0DRR (DSTAR) and later for LX0E (FM crossband).


Vurrent distribution by LX3X at LX0RL>

Simple current distribution sponsored by LX3X.


Flea market of LX3X with tubes of ADRAD Kayldall

Flea market of LX3X (former LX3PR) with tubes of the ADRAD Kayldall.


Petition for replacing LX0HI by a more modern repeater

The famous petition for replacing LX0HI by a more modern repeater.



New Yaesu FT-450 for LX0RL

An anonymous donor offerd the RL a new HF radio.




DSTAR hotspot by LX2CS in the shack of LX0RL

DSTAR hotspot in the shack of the RL configured by LX2CS.


Many portable amateur transceivers at LX0RL

There were many visitors. Aren't those DMR radios nice?



Two Hytera repeater boxes

Two Hytera repeater boxes. One empty, the other filled.